Marketcircle launches new Team View feature for Daylite

Canadian software company Marketcircle has released a new feature called Team View for its Mac app Daylite that helps businesses manage workload.

Daylite is a Mac app for small businesses to assist in customer relationship management and project management.

The new feature Team View provides managers with a single view of employees’ workloads, their availability for tasks, and what projects are due and when. It also includes functions for group emailing and sending meeting invites.

According to Marketcircle, the feature will save time for managers in communicating with the team on status updates, avoiding interruptions.

The feature makes it easy for companies to “delegate tasks, check on task status, compare workloads for individuals/teams, and creates a continuity for me between individuals and teams,” said Libby Flores, COO of education services company E.L. Achieve, which uses Daylite.

Marketcircle develops small business software for companies that use Apple products. Its other main product is Billings Pro for invoicing and time tracking. The company’s client base includes sales teams, realtors, law firms, and design agencies.

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Jonathan Keane

About the author…

Jonathan is a freelance tech writer based in Dublin, Ireland covering tech, software, cybersecurity, the internet of thing, and start-ups. He’s previously been published with sites and publications in North America and Europe such as Techopedia,, IDG Connect, and Cloud Tweaks.

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Jonathan Keane

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